
Revenge returned last night and we picked up right where we left off. The grieving process for some was just beginning, and Jack’s fate was still uncertain. So, with that said, let’s dig in!

The episode started with Emily having a meltdown as the consequences of her quest for revenge were becoming all too real. She was standing there with Amanda’s blood literally on her hands. She wanted to rush to the hospital to check on Jack, but they obviously had to wait to get the call because how would she know that he was even in surgery? Oh, right because she’s part of the reason why he ended up there.

Elsewhere, Conrad was still going forward with his campaign and dealing with the fallout from his deal with Nate. He realized that Nate was the one responsible for Amanda’s — at this time perceived — death, and that there is only one person who could stand in the way of him getting away with everything: Jack. Luckily for him, Jack is alive of course he has to go pay him a visit.

At the hospital Emily and Nolan are there when Jack comes to and asks where Amanda is. Emily is the one who has to break him the news and we got yet another phenomenal crying scene. I swear the actors on this show must have special training or something. Also, the writers should find more ways to make Jack wear less clothes. Anyways, his crying is cut short due to Conrad’s arrival and his offer to help pay for all the expenses. Although I’m sure the money would help, money does not buy you any respect, Mr. Grayson.

Clearly Jack agrees with me because once he leaves, he starts ranting about having to leave so he can finish what Amanda started. Of course, this is the first time Emily is learning that Amanda basically outted her entire plan. Emily says that they’ll take care of finding the laptop in what is seemingly a nice gesture, but really serves her best interests so that her entire plan doesn’t unravel.

Speaking of unraveling, Daniel decides that he is done being a pawn to the Initiative. Ah, so he does have a conscience. I was beginning to worry. Then, due to Helen Crowley’s death murder, there was now a seat open within the board at Grayson Global. So of course Emily wants Aiden to try and fill it to get closer to Daniel. Daniel doesn’t know if he can trust Aiden — even though he was the one who screwed Aiden over — so Victoria suggests he gives all of Helen’s accounts to him so they can see where his loyalties lie. If he is part of the Initiative, he won’t want to get involved. He passes the test, but we all know where his loyalty truly lies, with Emily.

Back at the hospital, Emily figured out that the Graysons were going to try and frame Amanda so that the Initiative would go after her. If she wasn’t hell bent on revenge before, she clearly is now. But it’s through Amanda’s death that she realized where she should strike to hit the Graysons the hardest: their children. It helped that Victoria pretty much gave her the idea telling her that “no one should have to bare that kind of loss.”  Well, Victoria, it seems like you might.  However, there are two issues with this plan. First, Emily may be slightly overestimating the love Victoria has for her kids. Yes, all of  her crazy is done “for them,” but let’s look at the facts. Charlotte had a drug problem and overdosed and Victoria has personally screwed Daniel over more times than I can count. Second, is the biggest question of all: could she really kill one of them? Despite everything, Charlotte is her half-sister and her and Daniel have a history, however manipulated and twisted it may be. So, I guess time will tell with this one. Complicating things even more is the fact that Charlotte is delving deeper into Amanda’s past. She’s trying to make sure she gets people to go to Amanda’s funeral. The only problem is Amanda seemingly has no family besides the family from her foster home that she burnt down. So, naturally, Charlotte decides to start there. First up, a Mr. Eli James.

Prior to the funeral, Jack is having doubts about the woman he’s about to put in the ground. It turned out that there was so much he didn’t know about her. But of course Emily is there to console him and tell him that Amanda’s love for him was real despite it all. He doesn’t seem that convinced and ends up throwing a vase to the floor in frustration? Anger? Probably a mix of the two. Amid all of the pieces, he found a key. Slightly symbolic, no? The key unlocked a locker, but also opened up the storyline for what should be some intriguing plot lines for the rest of the season.

The first thing we found was a duffle bag and of course, it had the laptop in it. As Jack is trying to get into what’s on it, Conrad was trying to profit off of someone else’s pain. You know, your basic Monday if your a Grayson. He released a statement about Amanda’s passing on live television coming of seemingly sympathetic. But while he’s doing that, Nolan noticed that the infamous laptop  had been turned on. In an effort to fulfill his sidekick duties, he calls Emily to tell her and she’s afraid it means the Graysons have it, but Nolan tells her it’s worse: it’s at The Stowaway. Emily knows what Jack is going to do. Luckily for her, he kept his mouth shut. Well, at least for now.

Then we were off to the funeral. What should seemingly be a day devoted to celebrating Amanda’s life, turned out to be even more emotional than originally anticipated. The reason? In the duffle bag there were also letters between Amanda and Emily from their juvie days. Letters that Jack read that basically told him that Emily and Amanda not only had a history, but we’re planning this revenge-filled future together. It does not seem like Jack will be forgiving her anytime soon. He can’t believe she’d let Amanda put them all in so much danger. He just has no idea how true that statement really is. Emily wanted to tell him the truth then and there about EVERYTHING, but Nolan made a valid point: she’d just be taking Amanda away from him, again. That Nolan, always so wise. Although he did complete the Carrion program and hand it over to Padma, so maybe not so much.

After giving Emily the coldest of shoulders, he returned home to find his place turned completely upside-down. His brain went straight to the Graysons, because well, history is on his side, but it was actually Aiden. Well played, Team Revengers. With the laptop back in its rightful owner’s hands, Emily decides it’s time to go back to basics. Somewhere along the way she got off-path and the laptop was the root of it, so she tosses it into the ocean. Granted there was a lot of evidence on there, she came there to seek revenge. An eye for an eye. Jail time was never the plan. Her eyes are back on the prize. #NoMoreDisctactions.

The episode ended with Emily standing at the graves of David Clarke and Amanda Clarke. Could you imagine? That had to be super eerie seeing your true identity on a grave next to the reason she started on this whole journey in the first place. Moments later she’s joined  by a man who also came to pay his respects. The two exchanged how they knew Amanda and we learn his story: he’s her foster brother. He tells her that, “the Amanda Clarke he knew was a survivor” The thing is he has no idea how true that statement actually is considering he’s technically standing right next to her.

 Some leftovers: Do you think Jack will be able to forgive Emily? What do you think Padma will do with the computer program? What does Emily’s foster brother being back mean?