Revenge madness pic

On the latest episode of #Revenge, Emily and David made plans for the future, but the return of Malcom Black put it all in jeopardy. Let’s dig in.

This episode spent a lot of time filling in the blanks to where David was after getting shanked in prison and what he was up to before his return to the Hamptons. We all know now that Conrad was attempting to get David killed, and it turns out somehow Malcom Black did, too. He had someone join David in the ambulance and kept him hostage from then on.  During his time in captivity, David tried to contact Amanda, and instead was presented with two options: kill a security guard, or Malcom would kill Amanda. We all know which one David chose.

Cut to the present, David is breathing a sigh of relief that according to the media Malcom Black has been killed. While chatting with Amanda the two realize it may be time to leave the Hamptons. David’s refocused on killing Victoria, and Emily realizes that it’s not necessary. She devoted her life to making sure Victoria lost the point of living, and with Daniel dead, she did just that. So the two are ready for their happily ever after beyond the Hamptons. But this is Revenge so we know it won’t be that simple.

The main reason for that, Malcom Black is still alive and he paid Jack a little visit. Naturally, Jack goes to David who immediately realizes what is happening. He begs Jack to stay out of it and above all, to not mention that Emily/Amanda is still alive. As far as Malcom knows, Amanda Clarke died a long time ago, and he wants to keep it that way. He tells Jack not to worry and is ready for his plan. He calls Malcom from Kate’s cell phone and lets Malcom believe his daughter is still alive. He’ll decide on a place and time and the two will meet. Before he goes, David meets with Jack one more time to let him know what to do if this meeting goes south. There’s a drive with evidence that will put Malcom away and Jack needs to get it to police if he doesn’t make it back, but what we soon find out is Jack —who somehow stilll believes in the justice system after all he’s been through — doesn’t want to listen to David. He hands the evidence over and Malcom is arrested. And then we find out shortly after, that Malcom has been released 

While all this is happening, we finally meet Louise’s reputable brother: Lyman Ellis. Nolan being the protective bestie that he’s always been, decides to have Louise, Lyman, and his number one BFF, Emily over for dinner. He has a bad feeling about Lyman and wants Emily’s opinion. One thing Emily already has an opinion on: Louise is crazy. But Nolan thinks she’s still a good person so off to dinner they all go. Before they are seated, Emily goes to check on Louise in the bathroom who gets startled and drops all her pills. “Xanax,” Louise tells Emily, but Emily isn’t buying it. Cut to moments later when Louise starts yelling at her mother (who isn’t there) and they all go home. Emily gets the pills tested and it turns out they are not Xanax, they’ve been laced with a drug that causes hallucinations. Someone from the Ellis family has been poisoning Louise to control her money, and even though Lyman denies any involvement, Nolan tells him to get the hell out.

Back over at another part of the Hamptons, Victoria is giving Margot a box of Daniel’s baby toys, but Margot still just wants the truth. If she can’t get it from Victoria, she will continue urging the police to keep looking into Emily’s story —even though the case has been officially closed. Ben, who is now being considered for detective, lets her know. So after a few failed calls, she heads to the police department to confront Ben in person. There, her stress levels cause her to collapse. When she wakes up in the hospital, Ben is still there and she thanks him and as she’s leaving the nurse asks if she has any family. Cue, Victoria. Vic sits down and is finally ready to tell Margot the truth, the whole truth. The “Emily-is-really-Amanda-Clarke-who-tried- to-get-her-revenge-on -what-I-did-to-her-father” truth. The problem (aside from the fact that we may not be able to trust Margot with this information) is that Ben is still lingering outside the hospital room door and heard the whole thing.

The episode ends with Victoria heading to the lighthouse in Montauk, thinking she was finally going to meet with David to discuss all that’s happened and what the future holds for them together. However when she arrives, it’s a different Clarke that’s waiting for her. Emily emerges from the shadows and the two start playing the blame game on who was responsible for Daniel’s death. However their argument is quickly interrupted when Victoria is shot with a dart and falls to the ground. Before she can run away, Emily gets hit with one as well and goes down to find Malcom Black looming over her, smiling at this surprising turn of events.

Some leftovers: Do you think Lymon knew about Louise’s pills? What do you think Ben is going to new with his newfound information? What do you think is going to happen to Emily and Victoria?